I Attended PlanetFest ’21: To Mars and Back Again!
I don’t know why I’ve never attended a PlanetFest before given my interest in space exploration, but I attended my first one over the weekend. PlanetFest is an event held by The Planetary Society (TPS) to coincide with significant planetary exploration events. PlanetFest ’21 had the theme “To Mars and Back Again” to celebrate the arrival at Mars of the Perseverance Rover this Thursday, February 18; the Hope spacecraft from the UAE on February 9; and the Tianwen-1 spacecraft from China on February 10. It was a weekend of learning about space missions from experts, sharing stories, celebrating humankind’s accomplishments in space so far, and discussing what we still don’t know about Mars and the Solar System, with nods to Star Trek and other science fiction along the way. “Sailing the Light” – Premiere Watch Party Before the morning keynote, The Planetary Society premiered “Sailing the Light”, a 30-minute documentary… Continue reading